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Barb Quinlan, founder of the Yoga Room, is a qualified yoga instructor and yoga therapist who has been studying, practicing and teaching yoga for 25 years.
Barb has deepened her yoga practice through private studies at the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram in India with T.K.V. Desikichar, and with his senior teacher Dr. N. Chandrasekaran through his Yoga Vaidya Sala in Chennai, India. This approach, often known as Viniyoga, is based on the ancient practice of yoga where the emphasis is on the co-ordination of breath and movement, drawing the awareness inward. It is a therapeutic yoga where the yoga asanas prescribed vary between individuals.
It is ideally suited for individual work as well as group classes.
A video by A.G. Mohan celebrating Krishnamacharya's 125th Anniversary.
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